Thursday, June 23, 2011

HR Articles: Difference between TNA & TNI

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The identification of training needs is the first step in a uniform method of instructional design. 1. Types of Needs Analyses

Many needs assessments are available for use in different employment contexts. Sources that can help you determine which needs analysis is appropriate for your situation are described below.
Context Analysis. An analysis of the business needs or other reasons the training is desired. The important questions being answered by this analysis are who decided that training should be conducted, why a training program is seen as the recommended solution to a business problem, what the history of the organization has been with regard to employee training and other management interventions.
User Analysis. Analysis dealing with potential participants and instructors involved in the process. The important questions being answered by this analysis are who will receive the training and their level of existing knowledge on the subject, what is their learning style, and who will conduct the training.
Work analysis. Analysis of the tasks being performed. This is an analysis of the job and the requirements for performing the work. Also known as a task analysis or job analysis, this analysis seeks to specify the main duties and skill level required. This helps ensure that the training which is developed will include relevant links to the content of the job.
Content Analysis. Analysis of documents, laws, procedures used on the job. This analysis answers questions about what knowledge or information is used on this job. This information comes from manuals, documents, or regulations. It is important that the content of the training does not conflict or contradict job requirements. An experienced worker can assist (as a subject matter expert) in determining the appropriate content.
Training Suitability Analysis. Analysis of whether training is the desired solution. Training is one of several solutions to employment problems. However, it may not always be the best solution. It is important to determine if training will be effective in its usage.
Cost-Benefit Analysis. Analysis of the return on investment (ROI) of training. Effective training results in a return of value to the organization that is greater than the initial investment to produce or administer the training.

2. Techniques

Several basic Needs Assessment techniques include:

direct observation
consultation with persons in key positions, and/or with specific knowledge
review of relevant literature
focus groups
records & report studies
work samples

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--- Article given by Mr Mitali Bhattacharya
Training need identification is a tool utilized to identify what educational courses or activities should be provided to employees to improve their work productivity. Here the focus should be placed on needs as opposed to desires of the employees for a constructive outcome. Inorder to emphasize the importance of training need identification we can focus on the following areas: -

To pinpoint if training will make a difference in productivity and the bottom line.

To decide what specific training each employee needs and what will improve his or her job performance.

To differentiate between the need for training and organizational issues and bring about a match between individual aspirations and organizational goals.

Identification of training needs (ITN), if done properly, provides the basis on which all other training activities can be considered. Also requiring careful thought and analysis, it is a process that needs to be carried out with sensitivity as people's learning is important to them, and the reputation of the organization is also at stake.

Identification of training needs is important from both the organisational point of view as well as from an individual's point of view. From an organisation's point of view it is important because an organisation has objectives that it wants to achieve for the benefit of all stakeholders or members, including owners, employees, customers, suppliers, and neighbours. These objectives can be achieved only through harnessing the abilities of its people, releasing potential and maximising opportunities for development. Therefore people must know what they need to learn in order to achieve organisational goals. Similarly if seen from an individual's point of view, people have aspirations, they want to develop and in order to learn and use new abilities, people need appropriate opportunities, resources, and conditions. Therefore, to meet people's aspirations, the organization must provide effective and attractive learning resources and conditions. And it is also important to see that there is a suitable match between achieving organizational goals and providing attractive learning opportunities.

Different Levels at which it is to be Conducted

Identification of training needs can be done at three levels to ascertain three kinds of needs: -

Organisational Needs
These concern the performance of the organisation as a whole. Here identification of training needs is done to find out whether the organisation is meeting its current performance standards and objectives and if not, exploring ways in which training or learning might help it to do so. Sometimes organisational training needs are also identified when the organisation decides that it has to adopt a major new strategy, create a new product or service, undergo a large-scale change programme, or develop significant new relationships, such as joining with others to form new partnerships.

Group Needs
Since working in groups and teams have become very much prevalent in today's corporate world that is why nowadays there is increased emphasis given on team effectiveness and team performance. So training needs are nowadays even identified at the group level. Training needs here are concerned basically with the performance of a particular group, which may be a team, department, function, sub-unit, or so on. Information about this group¢s performance may identify areas of need - which, again, may be for training or other interventions. It is used to find out how efficiently a particular team or group goes about its business and meets its current objectives.

Compiled by Amresh Anjan